
Submit Your Prayer Request

When you pray for one of the requests below, be sure to click on the I prayed for you button so that we can let the requestor know how many times their request has been lifted up.

Request Title# PrayersSubmitted On 
Prayer0October 10, 2024Details
Answers0August 22, 2024Details
lost pet3February 9, 2024Details
Guidance and Understanding3January 4, 2024Details
A Closer Walk4January 2, 2024Details
Revival4October 24, 2023Details
Guidance7October 11, 2023Details
Wife7October 5, 2023Details


Prayer Warrior
Pray in the name of the Messiah Yeshua of Nazareth that the Churches can bring in new members enrapturously, save those bearing ailments, provide charity also prisoner ministry options, rebuild Christian media retreats and businesses, and allow us to coexist with the world as opportunities, but not conform to secularis'. Amen.


There are several things weighing on my mind that I need God to give me answers about. Please pray that God will help me to know the answers and understand the direction.

lost pet

an ba
please pray for pet owners to find their lost dog. Pray for the pet to get back home. Thanks

Guidance and Understanding

There are days where I feel like I know God's will and direction for my life and then there are days when I feel so confused and lost. Please prayer for me to get clear direction and guidance from God. I need him at this moment, so I don't take a path that leads me in the wrong direction.

A Closer Walk

I would love for your church to pray for me daily that I might frow in my walk with God. There is no doubt that God has blessed my life and utilized me in many ways over the years, but I want to grow deeper and see God even more in my life.


Perry Blankenship
I am praying that God will send a great revival across this land that will open the eyes of all and draw the hurting and lost to his kingdom. Please pray with me for this movement of God.


I am facing so many things at this time that bombard my heart and mind. I ask that the church prays for me to stay focused on God and to hear his voice through it all. Sometimes it's hard to know what we need to do unless God just makes it extremely clear for us.


I ask that your church prays for my wife during her medical journey and challenges
Thank you for lifting up this request in prayer.

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